All posts tagged Masai Mara

Mara moments

Ninian has been camping in the  Mara for five nights with our guests. They saw  a total of seven individual leopards in this time, including a mama with cubs. The migration has begun.  This herd of early arrivals was at least 10,000 strong. All this long grass will soon be mowed short by all the […]

Vitelline Masked Weavers

With the Mara green from recent rain these Vitelline Masked Weavers have been busy displaying and building their nests. Early this morning we came across a tree with dozens of nests being built. The giant accacia was alive with very raucous busy males, golden yellow in the morning light.

Blue skies and golden grass

The Mara is best known for it wildlife, but its more than that. Its about sunlight and shadow, rich contrast, endless blue skies, seas of golden grass studded with statuesque trees. The grass in the Mara is like an ocean.  Evelyn Ames wrote in a Glimpse of Eden “…like the wild oats on California hills […]