All posts for the month January, 2012

Lions amongst waterlillies

Okovango Delta, Botswana

Lionesses hunting buffalo, Zambia.

On a safari in Zambia recently, Ninian and our guests watched a pride of lionesses hunting buffalo. With dust billowing and the air filled with the sound of pounding hooves, the lionesses  drove the buffalo towards the car. and with immaculate team work brought it down only afew feet away.

The short grass plains of the Serengeti

The southern serengeti was looking finer than it has in years. The rains had been fantastic  and the short grass plains were green and covered by hundreds of thousands of animals. Here and there,  there were carpets of white, yellow and pink flowers. At times it looked like the zebra were standing in a fresh […]

Ten memorable days in Tsavo

Tsavo is one of the oldest parks in Kenya and one of the largest in the world!  The east of the park is a vast wilderness of arid bush, broken by the glimmering copper of the Galana River with its lush green banks. Black lava flows reach fingerlike off the Yatta plateau.  Cooling swamps, Mzima Springs […]